Keep Restaurant Marketing Fresh & Full of Excuses

These days, there’s lists for any occasion or situation. They’re to the point, focused on a specific area of interest, and if meaningful, usually offer a quick take away. So for this November, we thought we’d share this list of restaurant marketing ideas from // Now why are lists like this helpful to a restaurant’s marketing efforts? Two reasons: Freshness Excuses When …

A Restaurant Mobile Website

We have two new ways to promote your restaurant and offer a better connection to your customers. There’s BrandManager, and here, we want to set you up with a free mobile website so that you have even more ways to drive traffic to your restaurant. Introducing a Full Mobile Website for your Restaurant If you don’t have your restaurant mobile …

Life Made Easy With TableWatch

There are many variables that come along with running a restaurant. Some of which you anticipated and planned for, and some of which – well, you just had to learn on the fly. But there is one variable that is essential to running an effective business and that is your table management software. You need a solid system that is …