A Restaurant Mobile Website

We have two new ways to promote your restaurant and offer a better connection to your customers. There’s BrandManager, and here, we want to set you up with a free mobile website so that you have even more ways to drive traffic to your restaurant.

Introducing a Full Mobile Website for your Restaurant

If you don’t have your restaurant mobile website available so your customers can quickly book a reservation with their mobile devices, you could be losing business. As a RestaurantConnect customer, we know offer a free mobile website to you a part of your package. Take a test drive below. Use the “More” tab below to see how easy it is for your guests to:

  • Send mobile restaurant reservations directly into TableWatch and Reservationist
  • Get directions to your restaurant
  • Create their own personal dining profile to document food preferences, allergies and special dates
  • Learn about special events and promotions
  • Check out your live news feed
  • Generate leads for private and group dining business
  • Promote your restaurant via social sharing to their friends and families

Check out a few of our styles to promote your brand:

free mobile website for restaurants

Let’s get started!

Like we mentioned, as a thank you for your business, the mobile site is available to you at no additional cost. And let us help you get started with BrandManager so you have a complete circle of business generating profits for you year round.